

It was about three weeks ago that I started following the French Klaris from Beautyful Kids on Instagram. She makes beautiful handmade necklaces out of wooden beads, a little animal and a magnetic lock.

The magnetic lock works as a safety precaution because it snaps open if child is caught in it. – it’s also handy since the child can put it on and off by themselves.

Feel free to check out the different colour beads and animals here. Special requists are possible so feel free to send her an email if you want another colour bead or if have any other question.

WARNING! Choking hazard – small parts. Not for children under 3 years.

Beautyful Kids




Collier fait à la main avec des perles en bois, une petite figurine animal et un fermoir magnétique.

Le fermoir assure une sécurité ainsi qu’une facilité pour l’enfant à le mettre et l’enlever seul. Il est en polyester évitant ainsi tout risque d’allergie.

Parfait pour apporter la touche finale au look de vos Beautyful kids.