From our stylists


It’s Saturday morning: time for piano practice. After breakfast, I’ve already reminded my little girl twice. However, instead of keys being played, all I’ve heard so far is “In a minute.”

Now it’s already past lunchtime, and the piano still hasn’t been touched really. I’m afraid this is probably going to end in a discussion. “I don’t want to practice!”,“The piece is boring”, “Why do I have to learn how to play the piano, anyway?”. The sun is shining and I want to go outside and play with my friends.

But most of the time it’s really a delight and a total breeze. Victoria Rose glows with pride when she’s figured out how to play something new, and she loves showing off what she’s learned.

Victoria Rose is wearing her ‘Berenice‘ dress by Grain de Chic today. Founded by two Polish friends with ties to Warsaw and Paris Grain De Chic describe themselves as ‘homegrown fashion house created especially for our little ones’ offer beautiful, timeless pieces for both boys and girls. Grain The Chic is all about natural colours and floral patterns – their clothes are elegant yet comfortable.

Feel free to visit Grain de Chic’s website here

[All photo’s taken by Candice Cohen Photography

Victoria Rose in Grain de Chic

Victoria-Rose loves playing the piano, most days…


Ready to go outside and play on this beautiful sunny afternoon in Paris.



All photo’s of Victoria Rose in her Grain de Chic dress taken by